Neglecting These 5 Factors Will Definitely Sink Your SaaS Product

Kane Jason
2 min readMay 15, 2024


Developing a SaaS product involves a complex process and requires a dedicated team of developers. Before commencing the development of your SaaS platform, it’s essential to address certain critical factors to ensure a successful outcome. Here are key considerations to keep in mind during and before the development of your SaaS product:

1. Clear Objective for the SaaS Product
Define a clear objective for your SaaS product. Understand your target audience and how the product will solve their challenges with its features and solutions. A well-defined objective is crucial for guiding the development process.

2. Choosing the Right Technology Stack
Selecting the appropriate technology stack is fundamental to the success of your SaaS application. The technology stack serves as the foundation and determines the scalability, performance, and user experience of your product. Seek advice from technical experts to make informed decisions.

3. Selecting the Tenancy Model
Choosing the right tenancy model is critical for SaaS development. Decide how resources will be shared among users on your platform. There are three primary tenancy models: single tenancy (high customization but higher costs), multi-tenancy (shared instance with reduced costs), and hybrid tenancy (combination of both with varying levels of customization).

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Kane Jason

Kane helps clients by transforming businesses through innovative ideas on their digital journey.